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Velashape III


Velashape III

VelaShape 3 is a new non-invasive treatment that uses a combination of technologies to contour your body and reduce the appearance of cellulite. Vacuum technology manipulates your skin while infrared light and bi-polar radio frequency energies gently heat fat cells and surrounding tissue.

Most clients will see results after their third session, about six weeks after their first treatment. Results are gradual and cumulative. Your results will continue to improve, with the best results being most apparent two to three months after your final treatment.

This treatment offers three main benefits.

Nonsurgical Fat Reduction. When pockets of fat persist despite your best weight loss efforts, it might be time to consider nonsurgical fat reduction. …
Reduce Cellulite and Improvement Skin Tone. …
A Complement To Previous Body Contouring Procedures.

VelaShape 3 Large Area Book An Appointment

Velashape contours, shapes and slims the body by improving the appearance of cellulite and reducing thighs circumference in as few as 6 treatment sessions, providing dramatic results without downtime or significant discomfort. Firm and smooth trouble spots that even diet and exercise can't fix.

VelaShape 3 Small Area Book An Appointment

Velashape contours, shapes and slims the body by improving the appearance of cellulite and reducing thighs circumference in as few as 6 treatment sessions, providing dramatic results without downtime or significant discomfort. Firm and smooth trouble spots that even diet and exercise can't fix.