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Sublime skin tightening treatment is a non-invasive, wrinkle reduction procedure used to tighten areas with mild skin laxity. Sublime employs bipolar radiofrequency and infrared technology to heat the dermis and stimulate collagen production, which results in a more refreshed and youthful appearance.

Goggles are used to protect the patient’s eyes and a cool gel creates a barrier to protect the patient’s skin.
Slight pressure is felt during treatment. Minimal swelling and redness may be noted immediately post-treatment, but will disappear the same day. Multiple treatments are needed to achieve the best results. Treatments are spaced a month apart. Maintenance after initial treatment may range from every 3 to 6 months.

Tighter, more youthful appearance. No downtime. Softer, smoother skin in the treatment area. Safe and effective.

Sublime Skin Rejuvenation (60 min) Book An Appointment

All first time clients at Tanya Thomas Skin Clinic are required to book a consultation prior to scheduling an appointment. The combined bi - polar radiofrequency and light energies of elos technology precisely heat the dermal tissue, stimulating collagen production within the target treatment area. Fine wrinkles are reduced, facial contours improved and overrall skin quality reveals a much smoother even complexion.